This Week’s Toys R Us coupon

$5 off any $25 purchase, valid July 18-19, 2008.

Make sure to print it out when you click on the link.   To redeem online make sure to enter the promotional code 923256 at checkout.


Until next time,

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Wii Fit

So, last Tuesday, thanks to, and using the My WiiAlerts! page, I was able to order 3 Wii Fits online, one for us, one for my father-in-law and one for a friend through the Toys R Us website.    I was extremely surprised though when all 3 showed up on my doorstep on Thursday when I returned home from work.    And of course, I hit the motherload when I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off, trying to herd the toddler, along with my briefcase and everything else, into the house, so that I could walk him across the driveway to the neighbor’s house and make it down to Broadview Heights for a wedding rehearsal by 5:30.    So, I dragged the boxes of Wii Fits into the house and left them for the hubby to check out.    He finally got it hooked up last night and we tried it out.    

It’s a lot of fun, so far I’m liking the hula hoop and soccer games.     I did not like, however, that since the Mii we set up was for the hubby, who is tall and very skinny and happens to weigh somewhat less than I do, when I stepped on to try out a game, the console told me, “we notice that your weight has changed, would you like to continue?”  I also love having the console tell me that I am overweight and unbalanced and asking me if I often trip while walking.    Clearly, I wanted the Wii Fit for a reason (note the weighing more than the hubby part)…and after taking this verbal abuse from the console, it had better tell me how hot I look once I lose 30 pounds using this thing!    🙂

Until next time,


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Toys R Us Coupon – July 3-5

Another online coupon, good July 3-5, 2008.    $10 off a $50 purchase.

Make sure to print it out the first time you open it.   Otherwise you’ll have to clear the cookies on your computer in order to access it again.

Until next time,


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Toys ‘R’ Us Thomas the Train Coupon Issue

Earlier this week I posted here about some Thomas the Train Coupons that were online.    One was for a free train, the other was for 20% off any train set over $29.99.

Now, I understand that the first coupon, for the free train, was a mistake.  It was only supposed to be for 4 particular trains and a new coupon was issued, which had a very limited redemption timeframe that ended yesterday.

I did however take the coupon for 20% off a train set to Toys ‘R’ Us on Wednesday this week, and was told I could not use it at my local Toys ‘R’ Us because it was issued by corporate, and they could only accept coupons issued by their particular Toys ‘R’ Us.

When I emailed Toys R Us to complain about this, because the coupn makes no mention that it can only be used in participating stores, I received this response:

I do apologize that these coupons are not from Toys “R” Us. They are fraudulent and not valid. I am sorry for any disappointment this caused you.

If you have other questions, please call 1-800-869-7787.


Toys “R” Us Guest Relations Team 

And I have to say, that unfortunately, this person doesn’t know what they are talking about.    The coupons are hosted on Toys ‘R’ Us web servers.    I would have accepted if the guest relation person told me that Toys ‘R’ Us posted the coupons in error and that the coupons are not valid, but to tell me that the coupons did not come from Toys ‘R’ Us at all is blatantly incorrect and annoying.

Anyhow, don’t bother wasting the time and gas to go to Toys ‘R’ Us with these coupons, because they will no longer allow you to redeem them.

Until next time,

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