More Cleveland Moms

I’ll always have a special place in my heart for some of the Cleveland Mom bloggers I came across when I first started writing this blog.    Nurturing Notes, Mom2Amara, Unexpected Art and Classy Chaos in particular stand out to me.    But apparently I’ve been slacking because I just found two more who have really great blogs:

1. My Got Fam – I love this one because she also writes about places in and around Cleveland that she visits with her children.    Plus, she seems like a positive person with a bit of sass and sarcasm…like someone I’d want as my friend.

2. Karen at Home – I haven’t really gotten to read much of her blog yet, but I love her decorating style.


Are there other blogs I should be reading?   Am I missing anyone?


Until next time,


Cool New Mommy Links

Ok, maybe not new, but new to me.   Thanks to my sister-in-law for this one:

And from there I got to this one: 

and this one:

Reminded me of my posts on losing weight and using the Wii Fit from last year:


I’d actually managed to lose about 20 pounds between the Wii Fit and riding my stationary bike while watching my favorite TV shows.   And then of course I got pregnant.   But at least I’m still 15 pounds less (at five months pregnant) then I was when I got pregnant with my first kiddo.   

I wonder if it’s safe to use the Wii Fit during pregnancy?   Though who wants to have a “trainer” pointing out to you that youve’ gained weight while you’re pregnant?   I’ll stick to Grey’s and my bike for now.

Until next time,


Check Out a Month of Stuff

I wrote something for this neato little blog that was started by Angela Moore called “A Month of Stuff.”   Each month there’s a different theme, and each day of that particular month a different blogger’s response is posted.    October’s theme is 31 Days of Make Believe.   It’s a fun little way to learn more about other bloggers out there, and it was fun to answer the interview questions.    As a preview (I’m not exactly sure what day my post is going to appear), my chosen ball gown would be something out of Kate Winslet’s wardrobe from “Titanic.”   Check out November and December’s themes, 30 days of food + 31 days of holiday crafts and consider contributing.


Until next time,
